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Christmas Lunch courtesy of Steamplicity


Steamplicity, the innovative steam cooking system operated by Compass Group UK & Ireland, hosted a ‘thank you’ Christmas lunch for a service user group, the ‘Worthing Town Cryers’, one year on from putting on the maiden meal in 2016.

Festivities were in full swing as Steamplicity said thank you to the group, comprising of people living well with dementia from West Sussex, for their continued help in aiding the further development of the team’s dementia-friendly service. The meal also acted as fuel for the Worthing Town Cryers as they held their annual Christmas carol concert later in the afternoon.

Steamplicity has been working with the group for two years, taking on board valuable information which has contributed to the development of a number of key initiatives, such as the introduction of finger food, which encourages people living with dementia to eat more, as well as creating a blue plate option to help those with dementia who may experience difficulties with sight and perception.

Originally brought together through Alzheimer’s Society, who Compass’ Healthcare team recently raised £151,000 to help fund a specific research project into dysphagia (difficulties in eating, drinking and swallowing) in people living with dementia, the sessions provided vital feedback for the Steamplicity team to enhance the dementia food offer.

Having adopted their name because of their belief in a local voice on the subject of dementia, the Worthing Town Cryers formed to make the local area more dementia friendly. With a similar ambition to improve the situation for those living with dementia, Compass launched their Dignified Dining toolkit, which outlines ten nutritional related guidelines to enable residents and patients living with dementia to be given more personalised and specialist support in relation to their food provision.

Steve Cenci, Managing Director – Healthcare at Compass Group UK & Ireland said:
“I would like to say thank you to the Worthing Town Cryers for their continued work with us and also to those who have made it possible for us to return for a second year for Christmas lunch. The feedback of the Worthing Town Cryers is already making a real difference to those who live with dementia and has informed a number of new food offers that we have developed over the past year.”

Tim Wilkins, Service User Involvement Officer – West Sussex, Alzheimer’s Society, said: "It’s great to see the partnership between Alzheimer’s Society working so well and I look forward to continuing our close work together in the future.”

Using their unique patented steam cooking system, utilised to cook fresh and raw ingredients, Steamplicity provided a festive three course lunch comprising of a starter of cream of tomato soup, roast turkey accompanied with an assortment of vegetables for the main course and a classic Christmas pudding for dessert for 15 people.


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Compass Group UK & Ireland
01895 554 999

Worthing Town Cryers' Christmas lunch provided by Steamplicity