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How We Source Responsibly

Our Ethos

With our commitment to achieve Climate Net Zero by 2030, it is vital that we have robust responsible sourcing policies in place to reduce our emissions we create as part of the food we serve throughout our business.

The global food industry significantly contributes to biodiversity loss and water scarcity as well as intensive animal production. Therefore, it is imperative that we focus on these areas within our responsible sourcing commitments.

Animal Welfare Standards

The welfare of all animals within our supply chain is an integral part of our responsible sourcing strategy. We strongly believe that all sentient beings share common rights, and we specifically endorse the ‘Five Freedoms’ concept:

  • Freedom from hunger and thirst - access to fresh water and a diet for full health and vigour.
  • Freedom from discomfort - an appropriate environment with shelter and comfortable rest area.
  • Freedom from pain, injury and disease - prevention or rapid treatment.
  • Freedom to express normal behaviour - adequate space and facilities, company of the animal’s own kind.
  • Freedom from fear and distress - conditions and treatment which avoid mental sufferings.

These are minimum standards which must be met by all suppliers of animal and fish products.

Advancing Animal Welfare Globally

We are committed to continuously enhancing and harmonising animal welfare standards throughout our supply chain. This strategy is supported by ongoing efforts to increase the visibility of our complex supply chain and make more informed procurement decisions.

Recognising that improving farm animal welfare standards is increasingly a collective issue for our industry, Compass Group Plc became a founding member of the Global Coalition for Animal Welfare (GCAW) in 2018.

GCAW is the world’s first industry-led initiative aimed at advancing animal welfare globally. We work with other major companies to improve animal welfare standards at scale and to meet consumer demand for food products from animals reared in systems that promote good welfare.

You can find our animal welfare policy here, as well as our latest update on the Better Chicken Commitment, here.

Biodiversity Preservation

We have a duty to help ensure the preservation of all species, including the 40,000 animal and plant species threatened with extinction today. Healthy ecosystems sequester carbon from the atmosphere, provide water and regulate temperature, so biodiversity-related sourcing requirements also form a key part of our journey to Climate Net Zero by 2030.

We are committed to achieving no deforestation for directly sourced deforestation risk commodities by 2025.

Responsible Sourcing Policies

Compass Group UK&I is committed to sourcing more responsibly. Here are our policies that enable us to deliver against our promise and help us create a more sustainable future.

Recognition of Our Work

In 2022 our animal welfare commitments were recognised with the following awards:

  • Foodbuy received the Higher Animal Welfare in Foodservice Award from Footprint for our transition to cage-free eggs.
  • Compassion in World Farming recognised Compass Group UK&I’s animal protein reduction commitment with a gold level Planet Friendly Award.